Class Set Book Pack+ Free Online Flipbook : ほごねこちーちゃん The rescued cat, Chii-chan

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Chii-chan tells the story of her life with a loving 90-year-old grandpa.

level: 8
Script: Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji characters with Furigana 白、日、女、子、私、人、水、正、月、間、前、後、元、気、買、来、言、帰、用、意、安、心、色、々、所、入、大、好、中、高、外、楽、着、別、兄、弟、新、変 (all applicable Kanji from the Senior Japanese Syllabus) and 猫、 紙、黒
Char: 1033
Pages: 21
Type: Literacy text
Style: A5 saddle-stitched booklet
ISBN: 978-1-925808-08-7


Sentence examples

 おじいちゃんがおこらないので、だんだんいたずらもするようになりました。
The grandpa does not get angry, so we gradually started doing mischievous things, too.
 ある日びょういんにつれていかれて、しゅじゅつをしました。
One day, I was taken to a hospital and got an operation.
 おじいちゃんは私のことを心ぱいして、コロちゃんをもらってきてくれました。
The grandpa got worried, so he got Koro-chan for me.

In alignment with the Senior Japanese Syllabus (SJS) and the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)

 のとき When; at this time (SJS & JLPT N5)
 Vまえに Before (SJS & JLPT N5)
 ので because of; given that; since (SJS & JLPT N5)
 のがすきですto like doing something (SJS & JLPT N5)
 たり do such things as A and B (SJS & JLPT N5)
 たことがある have done something before (SJS &JLPT JLPT  N5)
 てくれる to do a favor; do something for someone (SJS & JLPT N4)
 てもらう to get somebody to do something (SJS & JLPT  N4)
 のように like, similar to (SJS &  JLPT N4)
 ようになる It has come to be that (JLPT N4)
 たらいい  It would be nice if, I hope (JLPT N3)
 てしまう do something unintentionally (JLPT N4)
 ようにする to try to; to make sure that (SJS & JLPT N3)

Cultural note from the author

The book is based on real-life, about my father and the two rescued cats.  The story was written by my mother, and all the photographs were also taken by her. You can see from the photos, how much these two cats are loved and spoiled by them.  In fact, the cats are ruling their house, aren’t they!  Among the many mischiefs they get up to, the best one is destroying the shoji paper completely. Only cats in Japan can enjoy doing such a thing!


Additional information

Weight 1500 g
Dimensions 162 × 220 × 100 mm
book pack + flipbook option

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